Brooklyn Snow Hard


PROSPECT PARK Yeah, yeah, we know – we’re sick of the snow too. But if anything could get us psyched about winter again, it’s Saturday’s Winter Jam NYC in Prospect Park. The annual winter sports fest usually takes place in Manhattan, but this year is its first in Brooklyn. The centerpiece of the festival is the snowboard-centric Red Bull Butter Cup; preregistration is full, but show up early to see if space has opened up (or just spectate.) There are plenty of other opportunities to participate – at the Lake Placid Snow Field, the Olympic Regional Development Authority will have cross-country skis and snowshoes available for snowy adventures, and Mountain Creek will be providing free snowboarding and skiing equipment and lessons in the “Learn To” Area. If all this sounds like too much athleticism, the Pride of New York Winter Market will be providing free samples and refreshments from local vendors.

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