And They’re Off


For most the Kentucky Derby is a chance to drink heavily and bet on horses based upon names and odds they know only from The New York Post. (Though with the OTBs now closed, betting has become a bit of a hassle.) It’s also now a reason to head to The Bell House for the legendary Derby Party starting at 1pm with bells and whistles like $6 Maker’s Marks Mint Juleps, square dancing, and Live Band Karaoke. Should that scene become too crowded, try sister bar Union Hall, and in North Brooklyn, Pete’s Candy Store hosts a Derby Day from 3pm-on with a pecan pie contest sponsored by Brooklyn Kitchen, a Bluegrass Blue-Plate special ($12 of rib-sticking, BBQ grub), and many other “Parimutuel Distractions,” and Brooklyn Winery is throwing a ticketed ($50) “Brooklyn Derby” organized by creative and techie types, that includes Maker’s Mark mint juleps, wine, beer, and southern-style snacks from 5 to 8pm (cash bar thereafter), live music, a hat contest and dancing.

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