We Welcome Our MakerBot Overlords


There are certain things that we had never dreamed would make it out of the minds of particularly creative sci-fi writers: electric cars, Angry Birds, storing our music in “the cloud.” Now, add to that list little robot 3D printers. The MakerBot, billed as “the first affordable 3D printer,” is making an appearance at the second MakerBot Make-A-Thon on Saturday, where you’ll be able to check out the latest in multidimensional printing. This installment, with the fantastically sci-fi-sequel name of “MakerBots in Space,” celebrates all things extraterrestrial with the printing of rockets, astronauts, UFOs, aliens, and even a space-themed Zoetrope. Beyond seeing the thing itself in action, attendees will have the chance to chat up MakerBot reps and learn more about how it actually works, as well as a crack at giveaways from such techno-DIY companies as Apress, a tech book publishing house, and O’Reilly Media, the people behind MAKE Magazine. Reservations are required at 3rd Ward’s site. Not enough up-close-and-personal time with MakerBot? 3rd Ward is also offering a hands-on class starting on August 6th – sign up by August 1st for a spot.

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