Get it Clean!


Ever wish you had a fairy housecleaner? is pretty close to magical. First you determine if you need the “Deep Clean” (especially good for move outs and true slobs); the “Get it Clean” (for when you’ve gone weeks—ok, months—without straightening up); and the “Keep it Clean” (for responsible folk who get their apartment cleaned regularly). Then you schedule a time and pay online for a background checked, trained, insured, and bonded cleaner who uses a 50 Point MyClean Checklist to guarantee a top-to-bottom job.  Mention “brooklynbased” at checkout on to receive a 15% discount on either their “Get It Clean” or “Deep Clean” service, and if you’re interested in weekly service call them at 855-MyClean (855-692-5326) and they will set you up with a lifetime 10% discount.

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