Say Cheese!


If you’re vegan, or lactose-intolerant, you may want to skip ahead to the next tip, because this Sunday’s Stinkfest 2012 probably isn’t your bag. Stinky Bklyn, venerated purveyor of cheese, charcuterie, and other gourmet delicacies, will once again open its doors for an all-day party honoring its number one product. There will be live music and dancing, as well as sandwiches and drinks provided by Smith & Vine. Special bands for children will perform between 11am and 1pm, so feel free to bring the kiddos too. The perennial highlight of the event, the Cheese Eating Contest, is slated for 2pm. It’s been dominated for the past several years by one Will “The Champ” Millender, and it’s high time for a new reigning cheese champion. Do you have the stomach of steel required to take him on? If so, call 718-596-CURD and throw your hat in the ring!

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