For some reason, Brooklynites love love love Bastille Day, and there are multiple ways to celebrate it this year. The Skint is throwing its now-annual Bastille Day Bash at DeKalb Market on Saturday, with burlesque and can-can dancing, hot jazz from The Hot Sardines, and a baguette-eating contest. If you’d prefer a more civilized French dining experience, check out the Bastille Day menu at Roebling Tea Room. Chef Dennis Spina goes big every July 14, and keeps a countdown until the next Bastille Day running on his daily menus (on Sunday it will read, 364 days until Bastille Day). Keep the party going on Sunday by heading to Smith Street between Bergen and Pacific (blocked off for your partying pleasure), where you’ll join hundreds of revelers getting hammered off Pastis, and participating in the biggest pétanque tournament in Brooklyn! Live music and très bien food from local French joints like Bar Tabac and Provence En Boite are staples of this Cobble Hill/Carroll Gardens soirée, now entering its 10th year. If this doesn’t sound convincing enough, check out this sweet promo video and see some of what you’ll be missing if you opt out.