We chatted with a few notable Brooklynites to find out what they got into this summer, and, because we’re predicting beautiful weather through September, what we, and you, should make sure to do before the leaves fall and the snow flies.
Pat Kiernan, NY1 newsman, TrivWorks host, new Brooklynite
What was the best thing you did this summer? I moved to Brooklyn. It’s been so much fun to explore a new neighborhood. Moving’s not easy and it was a hard decision to leave the Upper West Side, but I’m confident we made a good decision. We’ve been enjoying new restaurants, walking Bedford Avenue and riding our bikes. Summer is a perfect time to get to know a new place.
What is the one thing still on your list to do before the summer ends? We’ve had a few days at the beach here and there, but somehow when we had all of the really warm weather I was stuck in the city. I’d like a couple of great beach days before the weather turns.
How has your move to Brooklyn changed your summer routine? Suddenly I’ve become the biggest fan of LaGuardia. It’s ridiculously fast to get to LGA from Williamsburg. To be clear, I’m not taking so many flights that it’s a weekly change in my routine, but it’s been very satisfying to know that you can be at the airport in 15 minutes.Got a favorite news story of the summer? With apologies to anyone who lost money on the stock, Facebook. It’s a story with “legs.” First there was the hype about the IPO, then there’s been week after week of “how bad can it be?” Even though the overall market has struggled, there had been false confidence that some of these top-tier tech stocks were invincible. We need the occasional reminder that bubbles can burst, and Facebook has been a much-needed bit of reality for the market.
Rachel Wharton,deputy editor at Edible Brooklyn and Manhattan editor, food writer about town
What was the best thing you did this summer? Wait, it’s not over! I haven’t even been on my vacation yet. This is really silly, but there is something about biking up that strip from the Navy Yard via Kent Avenue right up to Greenpoint when it’s warm. It’s like a bike HOV lane with a waterfront view practically all the way up to Queens. Biking in general is pretty great in summers: On the hottest day so far I biked to Pok Pok at like 9pm and walked right in. (Then after eating enough for three people I did a midnight lap around Prospect Park.) I also bought a ridiculous beach hat at Coney Island while (not) seeing the Mermaid Parade.
What is one thing you recommend other Brooklynites do before summer is over? Walk over at least one bridge between Brooklyn and another borough. About 10 years ago I used to get those Everclear margaritas to go from El Sombrero in the Lower East Side and walk over the Williamsburg Bridge as my Saturday evening entertainment–ooh the lights of Giando’s on the water are so sparkly!–but it’s a nice straight-edge trek, too. The views into apartments, the whipping wind, the water, having conversations as the subway rumbles by. It’s like hiking, New York City style, right? Each bridge is a different experience. One ends in Chinatown, which is nice plus for those who think incessantly about food, like I do.
What is the one thing you want to do before summer is over? I have not yet been swimming in a lake, river or public pool.
Favorite thing you ate? Tomato and mayonnaise sandwiches. Hellman’s, good tomatoes, bread. Lots of salt and really good fresh black pepper. I would have answered this the same way every single summer since I was about 12. Though I used to make them with Lender’s bagels and now I use that fancy Pullman loaf you can buy at Brooklyn Kitchen.
Marty Markowitz, Brooklyn Borough President
What was the best thing you did this summer? For me, the highlight of the summer was hosting the Jacksons at the Seaside Summer Concert Series on Coney Island.
What’s something no Brooklynite should miss out on this summer? I would definitely recommend that people take in a Brooklyn Cyclones game at MCU Park. We are contenders this year!
What is the one thing still on your list to do before the summer ends? Have a nice meal at Brooklyn Crab—hopefully with a short wait!—while taking in a beautiful view of the sunset. Also, a trip to Red Hook wouldn’t be complete with a stop at Fairway.
Clay Williams, Bed-Stuy-based blogger and photographer who photographs events for Edible Brooklyn, Brisketlab and Midnight Brunch and co-hosts the Bed-Stuy Crawl
What was the best thing you did this summer? The be all and end all of summer to me is enjoying Brooklyn’s favorite pastime: outdoor drinking. This year, I spent serious quality time at Hot Bird, drinking beer, catching up with friends and eating barbecue from Little Brother next door.
What is the one thing still on your list to do before the summer ends? I still haven’t been to the sanitized Coney Island yet. I’ve never been into the rickety deathtraps that were there before, so I’ll probably be fine with the new park so long as I can eat a couple hot dogs while I hold my wife’s purse as she rides the Cyclone.
Alina Simone, musician and writer
What was the best thing you did this summer? Honestly, the funnest thing I did this summer was serve as a Zombie Schoolgirl Bridesmaid at the wedding of Julie Atlas Muz and Mat Fraser. This should serve as a template for wedding planners everywhere!
What’s something no Brooklynite should miss out on this summer? I’d say if you haven’t made it up there this summer, go to P.S. 1 and check out the Young Architects Program summer installation before it disappears. And time your visit so that the James Turrell exhibit is open. It’s beautiful and surprisingly moving, and summer is the perfect time to bask in it.
What is the one thing still on your list to do before the summer ends? Coney Island! I haven’t gone on any of the new rides and I am dying to get on the Brooklyn Flyer and have my brains pureed out.
What was the best thing you did this summer? The best thing I did this summer was ride my bike with my husband to Fort Tilden beach. It was a lovely three-hour trek (we took our sweet time) and whisking by all the neighborhoods from Dumbo and Fort Greene down to Rockaway Blvd. to the island was a lovely reminder of how diverse this city is. It was also a great workout and we felt that much more privileged to veg out and lay on the sand like upturned whales.
What was the best thing you did this summer?I’m a Park Slope dad with a new baby, so getting out to do stuff is challenging! However, we checked out the Dekalb Market for the first time this summer, and it was an awful lot of fun–such a creative use of space, great little shops and tons of energy!
What is the one thing you haven’t done yet that you want to before summer is over? I have not gotten down to L & B Spumoni Gardens for pizza and spumoni yet, meaning my summer is incomplete.
Joe Garden, former features editor of the Onion, currently working on a new project with Adult Swim
What was the best thing you did this summer? All I can really say is that this has been an ideal summer for me for biking. I’ve taken the opportunity to bike to work most days and have really toned my legs and my ability to shout at pedestrians. My “heads up” can be heard for an avenue block and has scatters people crossing against the light like roaches. Prior to this summer, I wrongly assumed the natural enemy of bicyclists would be the taxi. Now I know it to be the slow-witted New York walker.
What’s something no Brooklynite should miss out on this summer? I’ve been enjoying the outdoor beer gardens that are growing in popularity and number. It feels less like getting shitty drunk when it’s in the outdoors.
Greta Gertler, keyboardist and singer for the band The Universal Thump
What was the best thing you did this summer?The best thing I did this summer was to fly to Australia, where it is winter.
What is the one thing still on your list to do before the summer ends? Fly back to Brooklyn.
We went to “Little Eva’s” on Governors Island for BBQ and sit back with a brew…what a view! A summer score 10.