Yes, BBQ season is upon us, and we’re all eager to light up our Webers after a long winter. But let’s be honest–it’s still just a little too chilly. To get your fix without having to stand around shivering while you eat a lukewarm burger, head to the Abbruzzese Style Italian BBQ with Mark Ladner that Heritage Radio Network is throwing in Bushwick this weekend. Part of HRN’s salon series, the BBQ will offer up tons of finger foods and apps, beer from Harpoon Brewery including their newly released summer brew and Italian BBQ prepared by Mark Ladner, chef at Del Posto. Everything is served family style, and these salons are always a heady meeting of food-obsessed minds, so you’re guaranteed sparkling conversation to go with all that delicious grub. Tickets are $65 and proceeds support HRN’s fantastic programming.