Agriculture, as it turns out, is not the only enterprise a community can support–the popular CSA model that so many people use to stock their pantries can also fund other endeavors. Community Supported Art programs are catching on across the country. The New York Times reported on the trend last month in an article you may have missed in the last lazy days of summer, mentioning that Brooklyn would be getting its own art CSA this fall, CSA+D Brooklyn, which will distribute is first shares on Sept. 21.
“The CSA model adds to the options open to artists and designers to get their work out,” says Jill Allyn Peterson, who started CSA+D Brooklyn with Dianne Debicella. “There are so many talented people here in New York creating beautiful art and design works. Likewise, there are also many people here who would love to collect original work, and are willing to pay for something more than a generic print to hang on their wall, but can’t afford the high-end art gallery prices and don’t know where to find the work of those who have yet to hit the big time.”
- CSA+D Brooklyn is selling shares of contemporary artwork, like these ceramic vases by Hannah June Lueptow, much the way other CSAs sell seasonal vegetables. Photo: Hannah June Lueptow/CSA+D Brooklyn
- Artists, like Elisa Werbler, have been asked to create either 50 of the same piece of art or 50 pieces of art in a series. Photo: Elisa Werbler/CSA+D Brooklyn
- The main rule of thumb for CSA+D Brooklyn is that all the artwork for each share must fit in an 18″x12″x12″ box. Photo: Christine Facella/CSA+D Brooklyn
- Artists are encouraged to produce work in various mediums from painting to prints to designed objects like these geometric pieces by Chiaozza. Photo: Chiaozza/CSA+D Brooklyn
- CSA+D Brooklyn applies the same grab bag approach to doling out artwork that food share programs follow. Photo: Chandra Bocci/CSA+D
- Shareholders can purchase half-shares or full shares, which include three or six pieces of artwork. Photo: Niv Tishbi/CSA+D Brooklyn
- Over 300 artists, including Evan Venegas, applied for CSA+D Brooklyn’s first pick up this fall. Photo: Evan Venegas/CSA+D Brooklyn
- Beth Bolgla was one of 12 artists picked by a judging panel of professional artists and designers in New York to participate in CSA+D Brooklyn’s fall share. Photo: Beth Bolgla/CSA+D Brooklyn
- CSA+D Brooklyn’s share program is made up primarily of local artists like Adam Frezza and Terri Chiao. Photo: Adam Frezza/Terri Chiao/CSA+D Brooklyn
- The community supported art and design program allows interested art collectors to connect with artists like Jeff Scher, who they might otherwise never have met. Photo: Jeff Scher/CSA+D Brooklyn
- The limited quantity of work supplied by people like Rhode Island-based artist Julia Gualtieri ensures each shareholder’s collection will be unique. Photo: Julia Gualtieri/CSA+D Brooklyn
- Shareholders can expect traditional artwork like paintings, as well as more unusual pieces like possibly these nylon sculptures by Katerina Usvitsky. Photo: Katerina Usvitsky/CSA+D Brooklyn
At CSA+D Brooklyn art and design professionals pick a group of artists and designers each month to create pieces for the program. These works include everything from paintings to drawings, books, photographs, prints, jewelry, ceramics, textiles, collage, sculptures and housewares (all of which must be able to fit inside a 18” x 12” x 12” box). The artists and designers commit to creating 50 of each object, which could mean 50 identical prints, or 50 different items conceived of as a series. Buyers purchase a full share ($500 for six pieces) or a half-share ($250 for three pieces). Just like a farm share, shareholders don’t know what they will receive until pick-up day when they open up their box.
“The reaction so far has been encouraging,” Peterson says. “With over 300 applicants in our very first open call, the response from the artists and designers has been incredibly positive. Seeing how quickly the first pick-up sold out was also very encouraging, and just seeing people’s eyes light up when we talk to people about the project gives us the sense that this opportunity to connect with artists and designers in a new way is something that really resonates with people.”
If you missed reservations for CSA+D Brooklyn’s first fall pick up, have no fear because there’s still room to reserve a share in the second distribution, taking place Oct. 19 at the New York Foundation for the Arts in Dumbo. The two fall shares will include the work of 12 different artists and designers, most of them local.
“What makes the CSA+D unique is the opportunity for the artists to create work for an audience committed to buying the work, regardless of what it is,” Debicella says. “For the shareholders, it’s a unique experience in that they have no idea what they are going to get, but want art and possibly don’t know what kind of art they like. It connects art lovers to up-and-coming artists in a unusual way.”