Every weekend we face the same dilemma–give the apartment a solid cleaning or go do something fun? Through aggressive multi-tasking we manage to keep our places fairy tidy, but deep cleaning? Keeping the windows, the corners and under the couch clean? There are never quite enough hours to get it all done.
We’ve partnered with Gothamist and MyClean to solve this problem for one lucky reader. Sign up for our Clean Up Your Act contest now, and you’ll be entered to win two months of weekly maid service from the pros at MyClean.
When you sign up, and yes, current subscribers are eligible (even better–you get two entries for every friend you refer), you’ll receive Brooklyn Based and Gothamist Daily, two daily emails that deliver the best news and features about food, events, culture and New York City to your inbox. You’ll also receive occasional promotions and deals from MyClean–they’re known for professional, efficient work, and the spotless apartments they leave behind. Their 50 Point Checklist for every cleaning job includes everything from door frames and baseboards to behind the stove.
So enter now–you’ll have plenty of time for all the fun you’ll read about on Brooklyn Based and Gothamist, and your corners will never be cleaner.
My kind of contest!
Would love to win this , if the cleaners are that brave….cleaning is not exactly my priority.