Banish Writer’s Block


Force yourself to get it all down on paper at the Gotham Writers' Workshop Write-In at Two Moon Cafe this Saturday, Nov. 2. Photo: Gotham Writers' Workshop

Force yourself to get it all down on paper at the Gotham Writers’ Workshop Write-In at Two Moon Cafe this Saturday, Nov. 2. Photo: Gotham Writers’ Workshop

As a part-time blogger who has been working on a screenplay for the past, oh, billion years, I am always searching for ways to make myself sit down and write, so I was intrigued to see that Two Moon Café is hosting a series of Saturday afternoon write-ins in collaboration with Gotham Writers’ Workshop. Whether you are a fellow procrastinator or someone who is just looking to shake things up, perhaps this workshop—which consists of interesting prompts, time to write, reading work aloud (on a voluntary basis–don’t worry!) and time to socialize with other writers—will get the creative juices flowing. Each session costs $20, runs from noon to 2pm and includes drinks and snacks. –K.H.

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