The Farm at Adderley is hosting its annual gingerbread house making party twice this year on Dec. 22 in Park Slope and again in Ditmas Park on Dec. 30. Photo: The Farm at Adderley
Gingerbread houses, with their gumdrop shingles and candy cane archways, are kind of gross to eat if we’re being entirely honest. They are though, incredibly fun to create, using icing that hardens to the general consistency of concrete in order to ensure that not a single peppermint sconce comes out of place. If you haven’t already built one this holiday season, or ever, The Farm at Adderley is offering kids of all ages (read adults as well) a chance to build a healthier version of a gingerbread house (with dried fruit, natural candy and no corn syrup) at Hootenanny Art House this Sunday or down at the The Farm in Ditmas Park on Dec. 30. A $30 ticket gets you access to all the ingredients you need to decorate your own prefab cookie house, which will surely sit on your mantle until it’s taken out with the tree or devoured as a last resort when all the other cookies (and possibly fruit cake) are gone and you’re on your fifth glass of egg nog come New Year’s Eve.