It’s 2014, Are You Taking Your Business Seriously?


HollyHowardHey small business owners, artisans, entrepreneurs, Etsyians and all you crafty folk who work for yourselves: have you mapped out your plans for growth and change yet?

If not, small business consultant Holly Howard is the person to help you do it. She’s guided many local businesses from Red Hook Lobster Pound to us here at Brooklyn Based to a more successful and stable place, and she’s about to begin a 12-week course called From Artisan to Entrepreneur Business Growth Program that is tailor made for anyone in the midst of building a successful business. When it begins next Monday, January 13, you’ll be in a class with other entrepreneurs like yourself, and gain clarity, support and guidance to ensure that you execute all your great ideas, build a stable business that supports your life, and have the confidence to grow this year.

All classes will be held at The Moderns, 900 Broadway at 19th St. in Manhattan, and in addition to class time, Holly will set aside 60 minutes each week for you to call in and go over
any aspect of the strategy you need help with. You’ll also be learning alongside other business
owners in your community, and become part of a private Facebook group with other class
members for access to solutions and support, so you can build relationships to sustain your
growth long after class ends.

Register now for a spot and achieve your small business dream in 2014:

If you have any questions, Holly will be hosting an informational webinar this Friday, Jan. 10 at 1pm, which you can access online or by phone.

Details are below. You can also read more about the program here.

Title: From Artisan to Entrepreneur Informational Webinar

Date & Time: Friday, January 10th at 1:00pm Eastern

To attend by phone:

Use the guest pin code 330058# when you dial in to (425) 440-5100 or (347) 464-3150. (The full list of dial in numbers is here.)

To attend online, visit on Jan. 10 at 1pm.

And if you can’t make it to the webinar, you can still ask Holly any questions you have about the program or the process at

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