Head to Franklin Park this Thursday for a twist on the traditional speed dating night. Photo: Pogo Events
Get in the game–the Speed Dating Game Night at Franklin Park, that is. This Thursday, join a group of 10 men and 10 women in a round-robin game tournament where you’re not only competing in Taboo, Pictionary and Charades, but possibly for love. This is how it works: You’ll play three board games in a one-hour time frame. Every 15 minutes, you’ll switch tables and meet a new potential lover. From 7-8pm will be the 40 and over crowd, 8:30-9:30pm the 30s and 40s crowd, and from 10-11pm is the 21-29 year olds. Tickets are $15, and telling people you met your significant other at a Speed Dating Game Night sounds much cooler than OKCupid (but we included a link to it anyway). Tickets are limited, so act fast.