Adults behaving badly, and proving to be as emotionally immature as little children is a familiar theme in literature, and Julia Fierro takes these notions to the extreme in Cutting Teeth. Her debut novel brings together a richly drawn group of parents in a Park Slope playgroup who are all precariously close to a meltdown. None of these people should spend a long weekend together, yet they hole up for three days on Long Island anyway, and like the loaded gun on the mantle, totally implode. It is a delicious read, and much-anticipated because Fierro runs the Sackett Street Writers’ Workshop, the city’s best M.F.A. alternative. The book comes out on Tuesday, and she reads from it that night at BookCourt. Across town the same evening, Jennifer Senior, whose book All Joy and No Fun examines modern parenthood through the lens of social science, reads at the Park Slope Library. She shared her co-parenting secrets with us here.