Horizons vintage shop is having a two-day sample sale with some of its favorite local designers, starting this Friday. Photo: Magazine
Many moons ago, when I put together this guide to vintage shopping in Brooklyn, I equated the experience of entering Horizons on Metropolitan Avenue to that of walking into an apricot. In my defense, the walls are a pretty pastel shade of orange. More than the wall color however, I admired owner Breanne DiDomenico’s eye for retrofitting fashions in such as way as to make vintage styles as en vogue today as they were when they actually appeared in Vogue. Since my roundup in 2010, her store, a relative newcomer at the time, has become a staple on the Williamsburg shopping circuit, and this Friday DiDomenico is doing us all a solid by hosting a two-day sample sale during which time you will not only be able to find discounts on her secondhand stock, but you will also be able to pick up past-season sample pieces from local designers Carleen, Erin Considine, Dusen Dusen, and Lauren Manoogian. Design supplies like linen fabric for $6-$8 a yard will also be for sale. Shopping starts at 4pm Friday and includes wine.–JG