Our Hilarious New Podcast, Featuring Stew Leonard, Tom Shillue and More


As you may know, each month we co-curate a storytelling show at Brooklyn Brewery with Tom Shillue, a comedian, barbershop quartet enthusiast, and frequent performer on The Tonight Show. Some of our storytellers are comedians or regulars on the storytelling circuit, but others are just interesting people–chefs, journalists, filmmakers and all-purpose weirdos.

The show is such a good time that we decided to record it and produce a podcast, and this is the first one.

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This episode of Funny Story was taped at Brooklyn Brewery last fall, and stars Tom, of course, as the host, plus Stew Leonard–yes, the owner of the grocery store with animatronic cows, telling a story about how business is done the New York way; comedian and writer Josh Gondelman on finding and defeating a nemesis (and using penis numbing spray); performer Desiree Burch describing sex with a pirate, and several other gentlemen; and finally Robin Gelfenbien, host of Yum’s the Word, sharing her past as an Oscar Meyer Weinermobile driver. As you may have guessed, the show is explicit–there’s strong language and graphic descriptions of sex and the politics of marinara sauce. So if that kind of thing offends you, maybe stop after the first story, which is totally clean.

We’ll be posting a new podcast each month, and you can always see Funny Story live, with a drink in your hand, at Brooklyn Brewery on Thursday, Oct. 16 at 8:30pm. Your $10 ticket includes a beer. This month’s line-up includes a burlesque performer and Babeland sex educator, a casting director, and a comedian.

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