Last month we introduced our first-ever podcast, a live version of Funny Story, the storytelling show we co-produce with comedian Tom Shillue and Brooklyn Brewery each month. We’re back with a new one, and while we never set a theme for Funny Story–all our guests are free to tell any story they like–sometimes one organically emerges. This time around most of our storytellers looked back a few decades and told stories starring their younger, more naive selves, with a particular focus on the horrifying experience of middle school.
Tom Shillue starts us off with a tale about trying get into show biz in New York City, then Sandi Marx, a casting agent who gave Tom his first break shares a story about long-awaited vengeance. Finally, Avital Isaacs tells us about the worst idea ever for an eight-grade class trip (with a bonus bit that will restore your faith in the inherent weirdness of New York City, even amidst the glass towers of gentrification). If you listened to our last podcast you know that it included some fairly explicit sexual content. This has none of that, though it does include swearing, so be warned. And, Tom sings a snippet of a barbershop quartet number, so there’s that.
You can stream it here or listen to it on your phone when you head to SoundCloud. (It will be available on iTunes shortly.)
Not all of the stories told at the brewery make it onto Funny Story Live, so for the full experience, join us next Thursday, Nov. 20. We’ve got a stellar line-up of pros this time around, including JR Havlan, long-time Daily Show writer; Eddie Brill, the legendary Letterman booker; and Dave Konig, an Emmy-award winning comedian. Your $10 ticket includes a beer, so really, it’s a no brainer.