The most exquisite electronic pop music I’ve heard in recent memory comes from Young Ejecta, a duo based in Brooklyn consisting of singer Leanne Macomber and producer Joel Ford (Macomber had worked with the groups Fight Bite and Neon Indian; Ford had collaborated with Autre Ne Veut and Oneohtrix Point Never).
Last year, Young Ejecta released a wonderful album called Dominae, which consists of sensuous and subdued synthpop augmented by Macomber’s lovely vocals. Now Young Ejecta returns with a new release, The Planet, due out on Jan. 27, and the first new single from it is called “Your Planet.” It’s a vmajestic song with a simple beat, sweeping washes of spacey keyboard textures, and a tender back story–as Macomber explains in a press release announcing the track:
“I wrote ‘Your Planet’ for my dear friend Josiah who died when we were just shy of 21. Josiah remains one of the most incredible people to have ever walked this planet. My fantasy is that he now has his own world and that when he looks back to earth he remembers me and knows how much i love him.”
Dreamy and inspiring, “Your Planet” is a wonderful tribute to a fallen friend and furthers Young Ejecta’s delicate and hypnotic music. Stream the new track below–meanwhile check out 2013’s Dominae.