Last year we learned that Brooklyn was the least affordable place to buy a home–in America! That makes it incredibly tough for the average person who would like to purchase a place of their own here, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. On Wednesday, April 22 at Brooklyn Brewery, we’ll give you a crash course on everything you need to know about buying a home in this competitive market.
You’ll hear from four experts in the field–Realty Collective founder Victoria Hagman and Realty Collective agent Tina Fallon; real estate attorney Michael Moshan and private mortgage bankers Mark Maimon and Gabi Feuer of Sterling National Bank, who will explain what it takes to find the right home, make the right offer, get into contract, secure the right financing, and close, all without having a nervous breakdown.
Here’s what you’ll learn over Brooklyn beers on April 22:
-Who protects you and helps you get the best deal
-How to position yourself as a bonafide buyer in a competitive market
-The importance of finding the right lender
-What to do when you have bad or less than stellar credit
-The steps to obtaining a pre-approval and mortgage
-The offer/acceptance process
-The difference between a condo vs. co-op (and how to pass a co-op board)
Tickets are $10 in advance, and include one beer. Doors open at 7:30pm, the evening begins shortly afterward.
Buying into Brooklyn is sponsored by Sterling National Bank.