You can buy a home in Brooklyn–learn how June 7


Inside the Gagne's new apartment, which they found through the connections they made at Buying into Brooklyn. Photo: Alexis Gagne

Inside the Gagne’s new apartment, which they found through the connections they made at Buying into Brooklyn. Photo: Alexis Gagne

The gulf between wanting to buy a home in Brooklyn, and being able to afford one is wide, and Alexis Gagne wasn’t sure she would ever bridge the gap. “My husband and I had been talking about it for a while. We didn’t think it was a possibility.” But one of our “Buying into Brooklyn” home-buying workshops—which is returning next Tuesday, June 7—inspired her to at least explore their options.

“Everyone looked like they were in a similar situation. They were young and hadn’t owned before, and were asking similar questions.” Questions like, “‘How do you compete with people who are making all-cash offers or going over ask?’”

Over the course of the night, Realty Collective founder Realty Collective founder Victoria Hagman, Realty Collective agent Tina Fallon; real estate attorney Michael Moshan and Sterling National Bank mortgage brokers Mark Maimon and Gabi Feuer changed Gagne’s impression of NYC real estate, from a market that only rewards people with a fortune in the bank, to a market she could enter.

Which she did. With the help of everyone she met that evening at Brooklyn Brewery, she and her husband found a two-bedroom in Bed-Stuy that they just moved into last month.

If you’re unsure if you’ll ever find a home of your own in Brooklyn, or anywhere in NYC, our next edition of Buying into Brooklyn June 7 will give you the perspective and knowledge you need to make it happen. Over Brooklyn Brewery beers you’ll learn:

-Who protects you and helps you get the best deal

-How to position yourself as a bonafide buyer in a market filled with all-cash offers

-The importance of finding the right lender

-What to do when you have bad or less than stellar credit

-The steps to obtaining a pre-approval and mortgage

-The offer/acceptance process

-The difference between a condo vs. co-op (and how to pass a co-op board)

Tickets are $10 in advance and include one beer, which will make the evening way more enjoyable than your last open house.

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