Is it real, or is life in L.A. all just a dream? Photo: Regina Mogilevskaya
Brooklyn versus L.A. It’s a battle as old as…well, it’s old. For years, it seems that there has been a steady influx of people fleeing New York and setting up camp in Los Angeles. Perhaps you’ve lost a neighbor, a book club member, a friend, or even a significant other to the epidemic. Perhaps you’ve chuckled over a particularly excellent New Yorker piece on the matter, or accidentally lost half an hour of your life scrolling through an acquaintance’s Instagram full of tacos, sunshine, and otherworldly hikes. Maybe you’ve even daydreamed about the move yourself, perhaps while being herded like cattle through the Union Square subway station at rush hour on a Tuesday morning.
It’s undeniable that a certain culture of escape has always underscored life in New York, increasingly as of late. Sure, we’ve got it pretty damn good here, but what if we lived in a place without slush puddles the sizes of lakes? What if we were able to afford an apartment with normal-sized bedrooms? What if we could be happier? What if?
Brooklyn Based chatted with four former New Yorkers who migrated west to Los Angeles: Erica Reitman (an interior designer and writer, and previously the blogger behind Fucked in Park Slope), Eli Edelson (a television coordinator and writer), Heather D. Orozco (now a Realtor, formerly a talent buyer at The Bell House and Union Hall), and Adam Rotstein (a copywriter and comedy writer). They came from Crown Heights and Bed-Stuy and Park Slope—some had lived in Brooklyn for as little as two years, others were closing in on a decade when they left. Today, they’re scattered across the Los Angeles neighborhoods of Glassell Park, Boyle Heights, Mt. Washington, and North Hollywood, respectively. While their personal experiences have varied, they can all agree two things when it comes to the Los Angeles versus Brooklyn debate: The Mexican food is incomparable, and none of them currently harbor any dreams of ever moving back to our borough.

Eli Edelson
BB: Why did you move to Los Angeles?
Eli: It was a combination of factors as you might expect! Most importantly, I knew it was time to leave my job at FilmNation and head toward my career goal of television writing. I would’ve stayed in New York if I could’ve found the path forward there–but it was very slim pickings. Secondly, my Brooklyn apartment fell victim to a bed bug infestation–twice. Three weeks after we did the whole fumigation extravaganza, they came right back. Turns out they were coming out of the walls of the apartment and the whole building was infested. I had to sublet all around NYC after that, living in about four places in five months. To be honest, I was happy to think about a new city by then. And Los Angeles was the only place that made sense in regards to my industry.
Heather: I don’t know if it was Brooklyn or my 20-years of music industry grind, I was just over all of it. In a George Costanza-inspired moment of mania, I decided that maybe I needed to do the exact opposite of everything I had ever instinctively done. My friends who had just moved to Los Angeles sent me this photo of their sunny bedroom with French doors thrown open to a deck overlooking endless blue skies, or some spectacular sunset with twinkling city lights below, I can’t even remember the details but I was SOLD. We decided L.A. was the logical answer as the opposite of everything we had ever considered, gave notice at work, and moved about 45 days later with literally no plan in place. You just have to rip it off like a band-aid.
How long did it take until you felt at home in Los Angeles?
Adam: I think the entirety of 2016. So one year.
Heather: Our first night. We walked to the grocery store and bought some beers and limes, stopping off at a taco truck on our way back. We ate and drank and listened to the sounds of the city, watching movies on my laptop from our new front porch for three nights before the movers arrived from Brooklyn with our boxes and furniture.

Erica Reitman
How would you compare your living quarters in Los Angeles to those in Brooklyn?
Erica: Interestingly, our house in L.A. is pretty much the same as our apartment in Brooklyn, square footage wise (750 square feet). But, we have an insane three-tier deck outside with a fire pit and kickass views, and we have a little guesthouse that we rent out on AirBnB. We renovated our little mid-century house a couple of years ago, and we love it. When we first moved out here, we moved into an 1800-square-foot house, and we used about 20% of it. We realized that NYC turned us into small space addicts.
Heather: In Los Angeles we pay hundreds less a month for a much larger, structurally sound freestanding vintage character home with French doors that open to a porch, a bathtub that doubles as a lap pool, a backyard with a pergola and a mulberry tree, the tallest cypress I’ve ever seen with multiple animal families living in it, and dozens of windows. I literally can’t even count all the windows. It is too fucking sunny in here, someone make it stop!

Photo: Regina Mogilevskaya
What are the living costs in Los Angeles compared to Brooklyn?
Erica: It’s certainly not cheap living in L.A., however, it definitely feels like your dollar goes a lot further here, especially real estate wise. You do have the added expense of a car and gas (which we did not have back in Brooklyn), but it feels much cheaper out here. Though, I get that “much” is probably a bit inaccurate if I took the time to actually compare our expenses line by line.
Heather: Groceries are much cheaper in general, plus people seem to eat and entertain at home far more often here than in Brooklyn. The climate is so temperate you don’t need heat or A/C as much, and can live your hippy-dippy head-in-the-clouds-blissfully-unaware lifestyle with your windows open for about 80% of the year. I don’t wear out my shoes all the time like I used to, and don’t need to buy new coats and sweaters every year (hey, it adds up!), though my car insurance is a little more here. Also, restaurant delivery is more here.

Adam Rotstein
How did you make friends in Los Angeles?
Adam: My job, comedy stuff, and college friends–so pretty much the same avenues as in Brooklyn. Fewer people from my worlds live here, so it’s also so much more appropriate and not weird to be like, “Hey my friend lives in L.A. y’all should hang,” and then you just do. I don’t think that would happen in Brooklyn necessarily.
Eli: It is absolutely harder to make friends in L.A. than in Brooklyn. It’s much harder to meet people in your own neighborhood for example, when you can’t walk in it. Brooklyn you can walk into a museum, a bar, a street fair–all spur of the moment–and end up meeting someone. Not so much in L.A.. I made friends through my office, through industry networking, and by reconnecting with high school and college friends who’d moved here.

Photo: Regina Mogilevskaya
What’s the feel of Los Angeles like compared to Brooklyn?
Heather: L.A.’s general vibe is kind of like Brooklyn on the first warm weekend of the year. The weekend when everyone is out walking around in the sunshine and even an errant baseball to the face (happened to me) can’t ruin your awesome picnic in Prospect Park. Los Angeles is massive and just like NYC every neighborhood has its own cultural history, architecture, food, and quirky population. The things people make fun of about L.A. are all true. Love it or hate it, people are generally way more chilled-out here. Strangers will smile and make eye contact for no apparent reason. I know L.A. has a reputation leaning towards vapid. but I prefer to think of it as blissfully unaware; maybe it’s easy to become a little checked out when it’s 75 and sunny almost every day.
Eli: It’s tough to say, because Brooklyn is so big and diverse. If I had to generalize, the feel of Brooklyn is grittier, fast paced, sometimes secretive. People will help you out, but doesn’t mean they want to talk to you. Brooklyn’s also a lush place, in all senses of the word: the environment, the food, it’s rich. Los Angeles is so different, the word airy comes to mind. There’s so much space everywhere you go, restaurants are huge and half outdoors (all year round), apartments are spacious. The people are incredibly nice (if you encounter them in person that is, it’s a different story when driving). And L.A. is centered around nature. Most of LA-proper can feel like a concrete wasteland, so that’s why people spend their weekends going to the edges: mountains, beaches, deserts, forests–all there for the taking.
What is your favorite pastime in L.A.? What was your favorite pastime in Brooklyn?
Erica: My favorite pastime in Brooklyn was…hmm. Eating? Blogging? Walking around my neighborhood? My favorite pastime in L.A. is most definitely hitting up all of the amazing flea markets and thrift stores here. I would do that occasionally in NYC, but everything always cost a million dollars and it was way less fun.
Adam: Somewhere between the ages of 23 and 25 I decided hiking wasn’t an annoying thing my mom makes my family do. In an equally adult moment, I realized it was so much more preferable than staring at a treadmill screen. So that’s definitely been a dope new part of living here–as trite as that might sound. I used to like going to Prospect or McCarren Park in Brooklyn, especially since breezy sunny days felt a tad more precious. I suppose I could do that here every day, but because of that it doesn’t have the same draw?
Eli: Favorite L.A. pastime would have to be going to a Cinespia event at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. All throughout the year, but especially during the summer, you can go this cemetery where all the greats from the ’20s and ’30s are buried, and they project a classic film up against this giant wall. Hundreds of people show up with beach chairs, wine and picnics. and settle in to watch a movie together. In Brooklyn, nothing beat a boozy brunch followed by a long walk through Prospect Park.

Heather D. Orozco with her husband Julio.
How’s the food scene in L.A. versus Brooklyn’s?
Heather: L.A. has incredible food options and so many hidden gems tucked into unexpected corners, you just have to know where to look and occasionally be willing to travel a little further. Though I must say, nothing compares to sitting by the candlelight at Lucali enjoying a glass of wine and watching Mark Lacono roll out pizza dough with a wine bottle. You could never replicate the vibe of a summer night on the patio at Frankies (especially when Bey and Jay are at the table next to you), or sitting at the chef’s counter at Talde watching him yell at his line cooks while you snack on those delectable pretzel dumplings. We do have a Grimaldis, but I think even Ohio has a Grimaldis at this point.
Eli: It’s very different! Granted, I haven’t sampled the Brooklyn cuisine in some time now. But as I remember, it was all about the richness. My go-to neighborhood spots were Glady’s, Mayfield, Catfish. It was all heavy, savory, super unhealthy delicacies. It’s not just gnocchi, it’s gnocchi with three cheeses, bacon, and a fried egg on top. Whereas Los Angeles is all about the local produce–we’re surrounded by agricultural land on all sides, and culturally the food is just lighter. You get places like Café Gratitude and Gracias Madre, the trendy vegan spots where you can still get a good drink. Speaking of drinks, that’s probably the biggest difference–there’s much more of a cocktail/drinking culture in Brooklyn than in Los Angeles. People just drink less in Los Angeles, and more wine than cocktails.
Would you say you’ve changed since moving to L.A.? In what ways?
Heather: I think tough-girl Brooklyn me would think L.A. me is a little cheesy. All of this fucking optimism has gone to my head. I lost 25 pounds without even noticing or trying. I sleep better now—not to say I don’t still get insomnia but I no longer sleep walk around the house doing creepy things like throwing away family photos or taking apart electronics. My blood pressure dropped. With all of that being said, I’m still a little uptight, unusually high-strung, and capable of talking at mind-melting speeds. You can take the girl out of Brooklyn…
Adam: Nah. I just know and understand L.A., whereas before it was this sprawling confusing collection of neighborhoods.
Eli: I’m more relaxed, I drink less and go into nature more, and I’m much more of an explorer. Los Angeles encourages you to get out–to a new neighborhood, a new part of the state (and having a car helps). You don’t feel tethered to the city.
Erica: I’ve definitely changed, but I don’t know if it was so much moving to L.A. or just getting old.

Inside one of the homes that Heather Dunsmoor recently sold in Highland Park to (of course) an ex-Brooklynite. See all of her listings at thegoodlifela.com.
Professionally, you made radical changes. Was it easier to switch careers in L.A. versus NYC? And how’s it going?
Erica: It was mostly after I arrived that I switched to design (though I dabbled in NYC). I didn’t have solid plans about completely shifting gears before I arrived, though I did know that I was very unhappy at my current job at the time. Much like the start of a new year, it felt after our move like a great time to start fresh and finally embrace what I really love.
I write weekly for HGTV and am working on a fab online course that teaches people about vintage shopping. My projects are mostly not camera worthy at the moment, but our home is going to be featured in a big design book in the fall (and you can see pics all over my insta feed).
Heather: I’ve always been obsessed with real estate. I joked about leaving the music industry to become a Realtor, but I pictured Annette Bening in American Beauty, all powersuits and pantyhose which is clearly not my scene. When we decided to move to L.A. I started to explore actually making the jump…and officially got licensed shortly after we arrived.
Real estate is still a relatively buttoned-up industry in many locales—I think Los Angeles is one of the only cities where I could get away with selling million-dollar homes wearing Converse and covered in tattoos. I think it’s serendipitous that my career choice and city choice happened to align so perfectly.

Photo: Regina Mogilevskaya
What surprised you most about your move?
Adam: I ended up in what feels like an East Coast transplant bubble here anyway. More than half of my coworkers used to live in Brooklyn.
Erica: That it was way easier to do it than I thought it would be…and that I had no regrets.
Eli: How big Los Angeles really is in reality. It’s like 20 little cities lined up next to one another.
Heather: That I was able to do it at all! Packing up and moving across the country on a whim to a city you haven’t even visited in 15 years took a level of nerve that only Brooklyn could have instilled in me, so thank you for that NYC.
We also asked these transplants to name their five favorite places in L.A. Check out their picks for tacos, tiki drinks and breathtaking hikes here.
Interesting read, especially as someone who lived in LA for 5 years, awhile back. I would say you might want to check back when everyone’s been there about 5 years. That seems to be the make or break time when East Coast/Midwesterners decide to either hunker down and decide to stay, or get the hell out. I had a lot of fun in LA and was fortunate to make friends that I will be close to until the day I die (yes, it’s harder to make friends in LA!)…but my boyfriend, my NJ roommate, my sister and I all moved back within 2 months of each other, all around the 5 year mark.
Who cares? There is NO comparison between the two. I don’t really consider LA a city – more like a sprawling suburb. All of that driving is my idea of a nightmare. I need 4 seasons. The weather would drive me crazy. Leave Brooklyn alone, please.
I recently made the move from Los Angeles (the Glassell Park ‘hood to be exact) to Park Slope in Brooklyn. I spent 18 years total in California (Northern and Southern), so I feel like I can confidently say that while California is amazing, beautiful, spacious, health-conscious and “fresh” in so many ways — there are also some significant drawbacks (especially in LA).
The drought is real and so a majority of the vegetation is brown and/or dying. Earthquakes happen regularly (and are still scary even after 18 years). The weather is SUPER dry year ’round in East LA and HOT during the summer (as in you step outside and your skin feels like it’s cooking). Wildfire season is no joke (the month before we moved there was ash raining from the sky for 2 days). Traffic is notoriously horrendous (some weekends it would take 3 hours to go 20 miles to the beach). And this is a generalization, but it is super challenging to meet people who are down-to-earth, authentic and cool.
To be fair, LA has a thriving design scene, a burgeoning tech industry, good food, consistent weather and lots of places to get outside in nature. I’m so grateful I got to live there and for so long, but to be honest I don’t miss it. It’s refreshing to now have 4 seasons, public transit, pedestrians walking on the streets, the convenience of my local bodega and people who are super direct and real. I guess it’s all a matter of preference and perspective, but I am so happy to finally call Brooklyn home!
Thanks for posting.
I am an NYers who just finished touring California as an Animal Rights Activist living in a Dodge Sprinter Van.
Throughout my time moving from San Fran across the state down into Los Angeles, I loved how far I could see when outside on my morning runs. Whether on the hills of LA or SF, one can see down into the valleys, or up into the mountains.
My Cali friends, many of them transplants from NYC, have been trying to convince me to relocate here.
Easier said than done, and despite all the wonders of Cali – nice people, more laid-back work environments, etc – I just cannot get used to the idea of having to own a car again. I love being able to bike around NYC getting nearly anywhere I desire, strictly upon my own volition and manpower.
Maybe one day, but as long as I can move about, not today.
Such a fascinating read. Living in California my whole life, it is always interesting to see how living here stacks up as opposed to other places in America. If you ever need and help with home financing in LA, Peak Corp is a great resource and information hub. Thanks for sharing!
Biggest factors for me.
1. Space/privacy: too little of it in NYC. Apartments are small and odds are you will need to live with others who you can likely hear due to thin walls or doors. It always feels overcrowded. Any cool event will sell out almost immediately or be jam packed if there is no limit. The convenience of public transportation is great, but the flip side of that is you have to constantly be extremely close to others and sometimes be aggressive. It also mentally traps you within the boundaries of the transit system, so you stop thinking, “I could drive out to ___ on this weekend!” The point made about bed bugs is also important. Of course, you can get them anywhere, but I think the issue remains a bigger problem in NYC due to the high population and density.
2. Weather: I like 4 seasons. I like some cloudy and rainy days. I really don’t like 5 months of barely seeing sunlight and 3-4 months of it being painfully cold, with sidewalks covered in dirty ice slush. Another commenter said LA can get uncomfortably hot in the summer, so does NYC and usually with higher humidity and higher overnight lows (real reason so many people have window/portable ACs).
3. Nature and general variety: NYC is like if LA was just a massive DTLA (in density and appearance) and that’s pretty much it. LA has DTLA, though pretty crappy compared to NYC, and a lot more. It has all sorts of hills for interesting views and nature escape so you can go hiking or to the beach on weekends almost all year (nature escape from NYC are not really an option for half the year and the beaches are really only open for a few months).
4. Friends/dating: I think it’s easier for women to make friends in NYC/Brooklyn and probably about the same in both cities for men. The issue for an average guy in NYC/Brooklyn is just not standing out, you can almost feel invisible even if you have a lot of unique things in common with people around you. I think it’s due to the combination of people being overexposed to others but also, it’s far less common for women and men to chat up random men in public and at bars and events in NYC. I think it’s a lot different for women where random people are more likely to be sociable with them. That said, I think the amount of single women in NYC favors men more than in LA, but at the same time, similar to the issue with friends (for men), it’s really difficult to stand out and for anything to last beyond a few dates.
I think people can get bored in any city though and want to try something different. Not bored in terms of things to do, but just the feeling of discovery and starting fresh rather than feeling like you pretty much seen and done everything you wanted many times already.
The food scene in LA is better than Brookyln. It can have a reputation of being lighter more seasonal produce-driven sun patio cuisine but I think that’s not even a single page of the story. It’s an internationally influenced food scene. Mexican, Chinese, and Korean food for instance in LA just punches you with flavor, depth and fat or you can go the lighter route with California cuisine. Ingredients just seem more alive in LA than they do in NYC.