The first time I saw the preview for I, Tonya, I felt like someone had read my mind and decided to make a movie just for me. I mean, I realize that lots of people were entranced by the scandal that rocked the US figure skating world back in ‘94, but at the time I was nothing short of *obsessed* with the story and the cast of bizarre characters it involved. The chance to revisit the sequined costumes, the ugly crying, and Gillooly et al after 25 years? Yes please! The reviews have been a bit tepid, but this is one of those rare movies that I know I’d love even if it were a total train wreck, so I already have my ticket.
As you might already know, some other Lillehammer heads who live here in Brooklyn created THNK1994, a museum dedicated to the Harding/Kerrigan saga, years before Margot Robbie ever dreamed of putting her crimped hair up in a banana clip. This Saturday, the museum is hosting Figures in Skating, an afternoon performance of songs and puppetry about eight towering figures whose names any ice skating fan from the 80’s and 90’s will recognize immediately, like Tonya Harding, Nancy Kerrigan, Surya Bonaly, Debi Thomas, Kristy Yamaguchi, and Midori Ito.
Tickets are just $5, the show starts at 3pm, and if you are anywhere near as excited to see I,Tonya as I am, this seems like the perfect companion piece.
If you’re looking for some higher brow entertainment (and to that I’d simply say, fair enough), you can also check out the Brooklyn International Photography Exhibit on Saturday at The Jalopy Theatre and School of Music on Columbia Street from 3pm-7pm. The juried show is free to attend and features photos selected out of over 8,000 submissions from 65 countries.
More ideas for Your Ideal Week here ➤