Well, here’s the bad news: all of the tattooing slots for artist Amanda Wachob’s Whitney event have filled up. But alas! There’s good news, too! You can still spend a lovely afternoon in one of New York City’s most beautiful museum spaces, watch Wachob tattoo, and probably get some really great inspiration for your next piece of ink (or your next drawing, poem, quick sketch on the subway, etc).
For 8 days, New York City-based artist Amanda Wachob will tattoo 30 strangers with individual pieces of a love poem inspired by two artists currently showing at the Whitney—Njideka Akunyili Crosby and Byron Kim— as well as those iconic Sweetheart candies that probably give most of us all those middle school feels. Wachob has been a pioneer of the watercolor tattoo movement so it’s exciting to see what she comes up with for her poetry-based work. You can check out more of her art here.
More ideas for Your Ideal Week here ➤ ➤