Every time you hail a ride in NYC, you never get that money back. ReachNow, on the other hand, turns all your weekday trips into weekend rewards.
From now until March 15, every drive over 20 minutes that you take on a Monday through Thursday in a ReachNow MINI or BMW will earn you a $20 credit—an hour of driving!—the following weekend. The more you drive, the more you earn.
It’s kind of like that 70s game show Dialing for Dollars, only there’s no luck involved in driving for ReachNow dollars, you just get one of their cars and go. There are hundreds parked in Brooklyn, and the app makes it easy to sign up and find one in minutes.
For a limited time, membership is 100% free and signing up takes just a couple of minutes. Download the app and start “working” for the weekend!