If you, like me, feel like Trump and all of his supporters just condoned and carried out a level of evil you never imagined possible in America, Dance for Justice on Thursday, June 28 will channel your outrage into good, and let you blow off some steam on the dancefloor to boot. The benefit will raise money for The New Sanctuary Coalition so it can bail immigrants out of I.C.E. detention. The interfaith non-profit works in tandem with NYC’s major immigrant organizations to reform local and national immigration enforcement practices and policies, and specifically aims to preserve family unity. Its L.I.F.E. Bond Fund is an attempt to free immigrants currently in I.C.E. detention centers, many of whom have been ruled to represent no danger, and who cannot afford to post bail on their own. In the past year, they have freed 22 men, women and children, and now the L.I.F.E. Bond Fund is nearly empty and in need of refreshing. Tickets for the benefit party at Littlefield start at $20, but if you can spare more, you can donate or buy more generous benefit tickets here.