Littlefield has a long tradition of recurring weekly Monday night comedy shows, as fans of the former Hot Tub with Kurt and Kristen and Night Train with Wyatt Cenac can attest, and I’ve always thought that it’s kind of genius. When do you need a laugh more than on a Monday, after all, and what else did you have planned? In my case, the answer is not ever anything exciting, and seeing a rotating lineup of top-notch comedian in a relaxed, convenient location for less than the cost of a beer is a pretty cool way to start the week off right. Butterboy, the latest show to occupy the Monday night timeslot, is the brainchild of three very funny women whose stars are rapidly rising, Jo Firestone, Aparna Nancherla, and Maeve Higgins, and this Monday marks its one year anniversary. Head down to celebrate its continued success with special guests Jacqueline Novak, Janelle James, Joel Kim Booster, and Violet Gray, starting at 8pm. Tickets are $8 if you buy them online, and $10 at the door.
Looking for an even more low-key option? Head to Strong Rope Brewery for a two-hour tie-dye workshop with StuyDYED– $25 gets you a beer and all the supplies you need to get crafty starting at 7pm.