Dog days deserve a dog day


I’ve been feeling pretty bad for my dog this summer—between the sitting in my hot apartment while I’m at work all day and my lukewarm feelings about spending any part of 90+ degree weekend sitting in a dusty, pee-soaked dog park, he’s been getting a pretty raw deal for the past month or so. If I wasn’t bringing him up to his happy place in Maine this weekend, I’d consider a trip to Bushwick for the Doggy Ice Cream Pool Party Fundraiser happening this Saturday from 2-6pm at Norwinds Bar in Bushwick. There will be a big backyard, lots of potential friends for your puppy, pools for him or her to cool off and splash around in, and dog-friendly frozen treats from Ollie’s ice cream + stuff. (Yes there is now a parlor that makes ice cream for pups.) Even better, human chaperones get free Sixpoint beers for 4 hours in exchange for the purchase of a $20 wristband, and proceeds from all sales will be donated to Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs

More ideas for Your Ideal Week here ⇨

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