[sponsored_by name=”Gotham Brokerage Co., Inc” url=”http://gothambrokerage.com/” logo=”http://brooklynbased.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Gotham-Logo-Final1.png” byline=”Let Gotham show you how getting NYC home insurance is fast, friendly, affordable, and easy.” attribution_name=”BlankSlate” attribution_url=”http://www.blankslate.com/”]
Before we know it, 2015 will be here, and you’re probably already thinking about the life-improving resolutions you’ll be making on New Year’s Eve (or maybe once you roll out of bed on New Year’s Day). Exercise more, drink less, eat less junk food, be kind to strangers… all great ideas. Here’s one more that’s easy to accomplish and requires no willpower: Make sure your apartment and all your belongings are insured.
Maybe insuring your apartment is something you’ve been meaning to do for a while, like putting up shelves in the living room or purging unworn clothes out of your closet. But if the worst happens—someone breaks in, your upstairs neighbor leaves his bathtub overflowing, your toaster catches fire—you’ll be glad that you got around to the easiest task on your list, calling Gotham Brokerage about your apartment insurance options.
And it is simple: Gotham Brokerage can choose the right insurance for you and set it up in as little as 20 minutes. It will be the easiest resolution you’ve fulfilled, and you’ll be able to enjoy peace of mind for all of 2015. Now if only you could make yourself get out of bed for that morning jog.