Group study – learning about Judaism in A Taste of Judaism
[sponsored_by name=”A Taste of Judaism” url=”http://www.reformjudaism.org/learning/judaism-classes/taste-judaism-new-york-ny” logo=”http://blog.blankslate.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/taste-of-judaism.jpg” byline=”A Taste of Judaism is a series of free classes open to anyone curious about Jewish culture and religion.” attribution_name=”BlankSlate” attribution_url=”http://blankslate.com/advertisers/”]
If, on your list of resolutions, you have sworn to get more in touch with your Judaism–or your girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s–2014 can be the year you get better acquainted with Jewish culture. Kick it off with A Taste Of Judaism, a series of three weekly free classes for Jews and non-Jews alike who’d want to understand more about the culture and religion and how it affects their everyday lives. The classes will be offered in Brooklyn and the Upper West Side and will be starting next month. Spaces are filling up, so be sure to register by contacting Cantor Caitlin Bromberg at cbromberg@urj.org, or click here to learn more about the program.