Avant-Garde Composer and Musician Elliott Sharp Performs at BRIC’s Stoop Series, April 22 at 7 p.m.


e2dd998f-3647-4385-9c4a-49703e318f87_elliott-sharp_1Elliott Sharp | by Andreas Sterzing

 [sponsored_by name=”BRIC” url=”http://bricartsmedia.org/” logo=”http://brooklynbased.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/BRIC_logo_FA.png” byline=”BRIC is a non-profit arts and media cultural organization. Their free spring season of ‘Stoop Series’ programming takes place Tuesday nights at 7pm through April 29.” attribution_name=”BlankSlate” attribution_url=”http://www.blankslate.com/advertisers/”]

Composer and multi-instrumentalist Elliott Sharp has been making waves in NYC’s avant-garde music scene since the late 1970s. On Tuesday, April 22, at 7pm, the latest Stoop Series event at BRIC House will feature Sharp performing Momentum Anomaly, a work for solo electro-acoustic guitar that makes full use of his virtuosity and improvisational skills–a dialogue will follow.  All About Jazz called the piece “a stunning combination of invention, in-the-moment development and remarkable technique.” BRIC’s Stoop Series illuminates the arts and life in Brooklyn through artistic performances, presentations and conversations. For a full list of events, check out BRIC’s calendar.

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