After a long, if mild, winter’s hibernation, Governor’s Island reopens this weekend, and free ferry service from Pier 6 in Brooklyn Bridge Park resumes (also, if you want to pony up the $3 to not have to stand in line, the East River Ferry goes to the island on the weekend, as well). The island is only open on weekends and holidays, but there’s a packed schedule of events, art exhibits and cultural goings-on scheduled for the summer. This weekend gets the season started off in style with the 5 Boro PicNYC, featuring Sixpoint beer, a grilled cheese-off, live music, a taco competition and plenty of picnic-y snacks to buy. Tickets, $25, here. Or, if you want to keep it simple and a la carte, check out Little Eva’s, the new beer garden at Picnic Point, on the island.