Fulfill this week’s apple-a-day quota all in one night at the second annual Gala Gala Hey! Festival on Sept. 15 at The Drink. Photo: Bethany Pickard, Natalie Shields and Christopher Nelson
It’s apple season, and to celebrate The Bored Vegetarian and The Drink present Gala Gala Hey! An Apple Celebration at, you guessed it, The Drink on Sept. 15. Kate Lebo of Pie Stand and author of A Commonplace Book of Pie, will read from her book and bake five kinds of apple pie, including one with a cheddar-crust and a whiskey crumble–pie will be available by the slice. In addition, The Drink will have Raclette cheese, sliced apple and apple mustard plates, and will offer Doc’s Pumpkin Cider and Harpoon Cider on tap and Doc’s Hard Cider, Sidra Castanon, Slyboro Hidden Star Sparkling Cider, Aaron Burr Ginger Carrot Cider, JK Scrumpy Farmhouse Organic Hard Cider and Duche de Longueveille Dry Sparking Non-Alcoholic Cider tastings and flights. To keep things extra fun, you can participate in a game of corn hole or make like Adam and Eve and bob for apples. Admission is free, and since the event’s name is a Ramone’s reference, Hey Ho, Let’s Go!