Scenes from last year’s Good Festival, thrown by the CSA that knows how to throw down, Local Roots NYC. Photo: Sarah Tundermann/Blue Photography
Generally speaking, “music festival at a Williamsburg bar” isn’t the first thing you think of when you think of community supported agriculture. But Local Roots NYC isn’t exactly a typical CSA. With pickups in bars like 61 Local and Prospect, it only makes sense that when its members get down, it’s at an all-night party. This Saturday at Baby’s All Right, Local Roots’ annual Good Festival will be mixing up a solid lineup of bands (including Japanese pop-rock band the Suzan) with demos from Local Roots providers, members and friends like Anarchy in a Jar, Sfoglini Pasta and cookbook author Cathy Erway. Make sure to get there in time for the pinata breaking at 10pm for small-batch goodies. Tickets are $10-$12 and available here.