We all have that friend. In fact, most of us are, in some small way at least, that friend. You brag about your mad artisanal ketchup making skills. You eat at every hot new restaurant. You even turn a critical eye toward your nana’s homemade cookies. We’re talking about foodies here. Andrew Bancroft, the comedian and performer behind the YouTube sensation, Yoga Boner, has a new video called Foodie, which pretty much skewers Brooklyn’s insane obsession with all things edible, right where it lives.
We asked Bancroft about the inspiration for Foodie. “I moved to BK from San Francisco a year ago and was immediately at home, surrounded by a veritable buttload of ostentatious food trends,” he wrote in an email. “I could grab a green juice before yoga, follow it up with an Asian pickle/ taco hybrid from the back of a diesel truck, then get a cocktail infused with rooftop-grown anise and childhood dreams. Yum. I’ve been a food freak since I was a chubby baby (my mom gave me my rap name ‘Jelly Donut’ during this formative period), so I’m poking fun at the culture a little, but mostly at myself.”
Bon appetit!