This week’s Action Trumps Hate, writing a letter to the Electoral College, may not be for everyone. You may not have a connection to someone in a state where these letters have the most sway. You may not believe that a letter writing campaign will make any difference when electors cast their votes on Monday, Dec. 19. That’s okay, we’re playing the long game here and there is always plenty to do.
Here’s my #actiontrumpshate reading list for the week:
- Want to actually understand free trade and economic policy for the next time you get in argument with that annoying guy who took Intro to Econ eight years ago and acts like an authority in every conversation? Read: Everything we thought we knew about free trade is wrong on Quartz.
- Need a new theory as to why it feels like the whole world is going crazy? Read: Welcome to the age of anger on The Guardian.
- Shaun King at the Injustice Boycott sent out a reading list addressing racism in the San Francisco Police Department, this story is a breakdown of the findings of a panel the city convened to investigate the department, and this story examines what the city has done (answer: very little) to address those findings.
- Have you read Just Mercy? Bryan Stevenson is a lawyer, the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative and one of the biggest adversaries to the death penalty. Just Mercy is his very moving memoir and you should read it. Start with this profile of Stevenson, and his work documenting the legacy of lynching in the U.S. frm The New Yorker if you need more convincing.