Hey journalism nerds, you have just enough time to listen to the This American Life retraction episode (actually titled, Retraction) then tune in to Brian Lehrer at 11:40 for further illumination. Or, even call in with your own questions. Harry Potter nerds, you can go stalk Daniel Radcliffe on Smith Street today (Hunger Games nerds, you can go ask him if he has any advice for Jennifer Lawrence). And Dickens nerds, the internet’s got you covered this morning, too.
@BrianLehrer will have Brooke Gladstone from On The Media and Rob Schmitz, the Marketplace China correspondent, on at 11:40 to discuss This American Life’s retraction of the Apple factory story they did a few months back.
@EmilyLuger Daniel Radcliffe is filming something on Smith Street today.
@Marilyn_Res One of the things the internet is good for is showing us cool archival pictures. These particular ones are from Dickens-era London.